Monthly Archives: November 2012

How to Know When To Go To The Doctor




This is the season when sickness seems to be more prevalent; it is the season for flus, colds and other illnesses that seem to spread like wildfire through the population. This is because cold weather tends to drive people indoors for longer periods of time, so it is easier for viruses to circulate. However, when you get sick, how do you know if you need to visit the family practice Phoenix doctor? Consider a few tips to help you make the decision:


  • If symptoms persist more than a few days: If you are feeling really icky with no improvement for more than a few days, then you might need to make an appointment with your family practice Phoenix doctor. This is because the symptoms might represent an underlying health issue or you may need antibiotics to start to mend.

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Prep Your Child For A Doctor’s Visit





If you have a family practice Phoenix doctor, chances are you’ve had to attend the doctor with your child on tow. Perhaps it was for a dual visit or maybe your child needed an annual check-up; no matter what the reason, taking a child to visit the doctor is no easy feat to accomplish. Whether they have a fear of strangers or just don’t’ want a shot from the man in the white coat, dragging your child to the doctor willingly is practically unheard of. Consider a few tips to make the process easier with your little one:


  • Talk about it in advance: Have conversations about the appointment so that your child knows what to expect. Often, if kids know what’s to come, they are much less fearful of it. Allow your child to ask questions and try to answer them as honestly as possible, so as to arm your little one with enough information to make the family practice Phoenix doctor visit seem like a perfectly normally occurrence and not something unusual or scary.
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Online Access Now Part of Your Doctor’s Visits





Just about everything is online these days, from buying movie tickets to buying groceries and more. Even your Arizona family practice doctor is going online in some ways, and as a patient, it helps to know what components of your doctor’s office is online so you know what information you have access to before, during and after your visit.


Your visit will still take place in person, as this is the best way for you to talk to your doctor about the current state of your health as well as any symptoms you may be experiencing between visits. This is also the time to talk about changes that may need to be made in terms of lifestyle in order to ensure that you are becoming as healthy as possible. Your Arizona family practice doctor may also order tests and other screenings during your appointment and this is where the switch to online access has become most prevalent.
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Benefits Of Utilizing Family Practice





When you are trying to choose a doctor that best suits the needs of yourself and your family, the choices can seem endless. You might want to go to the doctor that’s getting the most press, or the one that offers a wider array of services in terms of treatment types. However, when you are considering whole family care, a doctor that can treat all of you effectively and efficiently might well be the best way to go.

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Should You Go To The Doctor For A Flu Shot?





This is the time of the year when sickness seems to circulating and the flu is taking over entire households at one time. Many people try to guard against coming down with the flu by getting an annual flu shot. This shot can provide some immunity against the flu, and ensure that you can make it through a season without getting it. A large number of patients get their flu shots at their family practice Phoenix, AZ doctor; however, many more are taking advantage of the flu shots being offered by local drug stores.


When you are trying to determine where to go to get this essential shot, how do you determine the location that is best for you and how much does it really matter in the end?

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