Arizona Valley Fever: Q&A with Family Practice Specialists

Monsoon FPS Cover Photo

Valley Fever is a confusing subject for many Arizona residents. In fact, it can be confusing for many Phoenix physicians as well if they are inexperienced on the topic. One day EVB Live will tell you that Valley Fever cases are dropping in the valley, and on the same day but on Fox 10 the newscaster tells you that cases of Valley Fever are on the rise. How can that be? How can one virus confuse so many people? Why is Valley Fever so difficult to diagnose? Our Family Practice Specialists will answer these questions and many more…
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What is Valley Fever?

valley fever_phoenix, arizona

photo credit CDC

If you’re new to Arizona , you probably haven’t heard the term Valley Fever. In reality, you might not ever hear it, even if you do live in Phoenix for many years. However, it is important to have an understanding of what Valley Fever is, what the symptoms of Valley Fever are, when you should visit a Phoenix physician and what Valley Fever treatment options are. So, let the physicians at Family Practice Specialistswalk you through the basics of Valley Fever.

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