Make a Resolution to Stick To Your Resolutions, and Tips to Help You Succeed

phoenix physician arizona

Making New Year’s resolutions is easy with the excitement of the New Year, but the trouble starts happening when the resolutions start falling off the radar throughout the year. When you are making your New Year’s resolutions to exercise and stay fit in 2014, you should try your best to stick to your resolutions throughout the full year.


Your Phoenix physician recommends making resolutions to stay fit

Your Phoenix physician recommends that you make resolutions to stay fit and eat healthy throughout the next year. Your Phoenix physician also recommends that you make realistic resolutions for exercise based on your particular health situation and ability to exercise. You can schedule a checkup with your Phoenix physician before you start on a rigorous routine of exercise, and your Phoenix physician will be able to let you know what type of exercise plan would work best for you.


Write your resolutions down

Your Phoenix physician recommends that you write your resolutions down, including an exercise journal that you can keep to track your progress. Writing down your exercise progress and resolutions will let you visualize them and keep you motivated to keep working out. You should also write down your other resolutions and document your progress towards them.


Break down bigger resolutions into small steps

Losing weight or changing your diet should be done in smaller achievable steps, and your Phoenix physician recommends that you gradually work towards those goals by trying to set a reasonable goal. For your diet you can make small daily changes to improve your health such as eliminating soda and unhealthy drinks or reducing your sugar intake. For weight loss your Phoenix physician recommends that you set an achievable monthly weight loss goal and work toward it. For instance, you could meet with your Phoenix physician and decide on a goal of 2 pounds per month.

Posted by Phoenix Doctor in Family Physician | Permalink |