Natural and Simple Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress and Stay Healthy

Worried woman surrounded by Christmas presents.

The holidays are always a great time of the year, but they can but a source of additional stress as well. Many people have extra financial stress, and the hustle and bustle during the holidays can be a source of extra stress as well. Those who are prone to holiday stress can talk with their Phoenix family doctor and get a physical to make sure that they are healthy, but on top of this there are a few simple and natural ways to stay stress free during the holidays.


Take breaks when you are overwhelmed

Your Phoenix family doctor recommends that you take breaks to calm down during the holidays when you get overwhelmed. When you start to feel stress levels building up don’t keep working but take a time out and gather yourself. You can learn relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing techniques to control your stress levels. Taking a short break after periods of work can be very stress relieving and help to quiet your mind down when you’re overwhelmed.


Your Phoenix family doctor recommends exercise on a regular basis

Exercise is recommended by your Phoenix family doctor as a way to help control stress. Not only does exercise have many positive health benefits, it can also be used to help improve your mood, and your Phoenix family doctor may recommend more exercise if you are struggling with chronic stress. Exercise will improve your energy levels as well, giving you more ability to handle holiday work. Exercise releases endorphins or natural “feel good” hormones that can relieve a lot of the symptoms of stress.


Talk to your Phoenix family doctor if you need to

If you have tried different stress control methods but still find that you are irritable during the holiday season and even outside of it, you should talk to your Phoenix family doctor. Sometimes something as simple as a routine physical can find problems that you were not aware of. For instance, problems with your natural sleep cycle can be treated by a Phoenix family doctor. Your Phoenix family doctor may be able to diagnose you with a treatable condition that you were unaware of that is causing you extra stress.

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