When it comes to the ways in which you can keep your child healthy, preventative care is tops on the list. This is due, in part, to the fact that preventative care teaches your child about the importance of good health and how to maintain it. However, for a child that pushes his or her body to the limit with sports-related activities, it is even more important for them to know how to care for themselves in a way that guards against injury and keeps the body is top physical condition. When you go to a family doctor in Phoenix for a sports physical, there are a few questions you should always as, no matter what:
- Does our family history put my child at greater risk for certain injuries or conditions? This is an important question because it allows you to keep in mind that your child might not be able to take the types of chances that others do during competition. It is also a chance for you to educate your child on the importance of playing smart, with an eye towards your family history to prevent any issues from cropping up as a result of physically competing. Talking about this with your family doctor on Phoenix gives you a chance to determine what issues can come up while playing and ensures that your doctor is monitoring for them as needed.
- How do any current conditions affect his or her ability to play and does it put my child at a higher risk of sports-related physical breakdowns or injuries? Just because your child has a medical issue, doesn’t preclude them from participating in physical activities, sports in particular. However, it is always good to discuss this type of participation with your family doctor in Phoenix to go over ways to avoid acute episodes, talk about strategies for managing the disease or condition during competition and discussing therapies that might need to be utilized if there is a flare up or breakdown of some sort. Being proactive is key here.
- What is the best way for my child to unwind after a game? From stretching to hydration, your family doctor in Phoenix might be able to give you professional tips on the best way for your child to unwind after a competition. From drinking electrolyte-laden drinks to energy-rich foods, the more you can infuse these tips into your child’s regimen, the healthier he or she will be.
These questions will help you be your child’s greatest health advocate. Allowing them to play certain sports can be stressful, but knowing how to do your part to keep them safe can make all the difference. Your Family Practice Specialists‘ physician has a wealth of experience with sports-related injuries and conditions, so don’t hesitate to give us a call with any questions or concerns you may have.